Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Longest, Shortest Day

Today was the longest, shortest day yet -- Day 2 TUT of rehearsals. I'm sure this post will sound more like a complaint than anything else, but it's just the experience and my current reality. I am truly grateful for this opportunity... I'm all SMILES through it all!!

Although we didn't rehearse nearly as long as we did yesterday, it was rough. Despite being a morning person, I had the hardest time getting out of bed this morning.  Last night granted me another 4 generous hours of sleep. *whomp whomp* My hamstrings, neck and shoulder muscles hurt :( I've concluded that I overpacked for this trip, and in the small amount of time that I've actually spent in my hotel room awake, I have managed to hit my shin on the desk at least 3 times--in the same spot.

I'll have you all know that I've gained a greater appreciation for American food. Let me specify that. I have a greater appreciation for HEALTHY American food. We have a tendency to go overboard in some areas. I don't want to see another plate of brown rice or noodles until after Valentine's Day. Okay? I have had and have seen those two item cooked and served in so many different ways. It is cleaning out my insides, and I've had enough!! LOL

I have studying to do before tomorrow's dress/tech rehearsal. Although our call isn't until 2pm, my plan is to be in bed BEFORE 4am tonight. I have to catch up on 3 days worth of sleep. :) With such a late call, I can only image I'll be hitting the bed around 4am tomorrow night. #ilovemyjob Enjoy today's video blog.



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