Friday, December 19, 2014

Pre-Show Festivities

Hello There!! :D
I awoke without an alarm this morning. I guess that means I'm excited about the show today, which is a GREAT thing considering tiredom got the best of me last night. (Yes, I just created a new word.) There are so many other pictures I took yesterday but didn't post, such as the posters in and around the arena, rehearsal footage (top secret), *teehee* random snapshots throughout the day and pictures I've "borrowed" for my fellow cast mates. If you want to see more (an even some I don't know are out there) be sure to search #TUT on Twitter and Instagram. Since I was late posting yesterday, I'll post to the blog twice today:

1. Now
2. Post Show

Tonight, will not have an extensive intermission like we would have had normally, so I won't have time to post an intermission video. We're allotted only 7-8 minutes to switch costumes this time around. However, y'all can keep tract of live feed from the audience members through posts on the show's Facebook page. Remember, we're 7hrs ahead of those of you on the East coast, so the show starts just in time for lunch break (1:30pm).

I slept through breakfast, and awoke in time for this lunch...

...more noodles.

Now that sound check is over, I'm on the hunt for a SPRITE. Then it will be hot tea and water from here on out. As you've probably heard from previous posts, my voice is a little raspy. It makes for a sexier, more mature sound, if I may say so myself. Hghmmmmm... Have no fear, it doesn't hurt. :) Here's a sneak peek.

BTW: all my posts have been published on EST for all you analyzers trying to figure out how and why the times don't correspond with each other.


What Time Is it?!?

It's 6:30pm (Thursday)--
My call was pushed all the way back to 8pm today, which gave me plenty of time to catch up on some sleep. I didn't hang up from FaceTime with Daddy until around 8am this morning. I've been extremely restless. I was able to sleep for an hour, catch breakfast and go back to sleep again. I woke up for lunch, and went back to sleep once more. Lunch was not noodles or rice this time. (Someone must have read my last post.)

Here's what was delivered...

(No comment)

The call times changed 3 times, which was fine for sleeping (minus the interruptions to mark the changes), but this now makes for an even later night. It looks as though we'll be operating on "home" time tonight.

Tonight is our first rehearsal in the Saku Suurhall Arena. It's the largest arena in Estonia and holds 10,000 people.


As I write this, my TV turns itself. We all know what that means--room service reminder.

We're headed to dinner, now. I should have lots of pictures and footage to share later. 

10:42pm (still Thursday) --
Michael Prince, sound engineer to Michael Jackson is here!! I'm relieved, because I know now that our sound will be on point. There's nothing like having to take out your in ear monitors during a show. On our way to the arena, we had a very random, yet interesting, encounter with a couple from Finland, and I got it all recorded!! Watch just how well Michael Prince dodges the situation below. This run in was so epic that I didn't bother editing the footage.

I'm pleased to announce that the infamous "not so raggedy dress" fits!! :D For those of you who missed it, check out the original post from last year. Yes, getting into it was a concern of mine considering it was already super tight from last year at Red Rocks. A mere 5 lbs in the entertainment industry could make or break a casting. 
In addition to that, that studded black JS wedges are back!! It's show time in less than 12hrs. We did not let out of rehearsal tonight until around 3am (Friday), hence the tartiness of this post. Nevertheless, I'm following through. There will be so much more to share with you come tomorrow. 


-- RhyanMichele

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Longest, Shortest Day

Today was the longest, shortest day yet -- Day 2 TUT of rehearsals. I'm sure this post will sound more like a complaint than anything else, but it's just the experience and my current reality. I am truly grateful for this opportunity... I'm all SMILES through it all!!

Although we didn't rehearse nearly as long as we did yesterday, it was rough. Despite being a morning person, I had the hardest time getting out of bed this morning.  Last night granted me another 4 generous hours of sleep. *whomp whomp* My hamstrings, neck and shoulder muscles hurt :( I've concluded that I overpacked for this trip, and in the small amount of time that I've actually spent in my hotel room awake, I have managed to hit my shin on the desk at least 3 times--in the same spot.

I'll have you all know that I've gained a greater appreciation for American food. Let me specify that. I have a greater appreciation for HEALTHY American food. We have a tendency to go overboard in some areas. I don't want to see another plate of brown rice or noodles until after Valentine's Day. Okay? I have had and have seen those two item cooked and served in so many different ways. It is cleaning out my insides, and I've had enough!! LOL

I have studying to do before tomorrow's dress/tech rehearsal. Although our call isn't until 2pm, my plan is to be in bed BEFORE 4am tonight. I have to catch up on 3 days worth of sleep. :) With such a late call, I can only image I'll be hitting the bed around 4am tomorrow night. #ilovemyjob Enjoy today's video blog.



Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Fast Forward the Day

I have safely made it to Tallinn, Estonia in Eastern Europe, and I must say, I am feeling every bit of the distance and time change. It's currently 12am on Wednesday morning. We literally worked "from sun up to midnight" save food breaks. My ears are ringing, and I can barely keep my eyes open as I write this; however, I'm determined to keep my word on posting something every day.

Willy on keys!!
This first rehearsal went well!! I'm thrilled to be back on the stage with such talented people as well as to experience the show with some new band members. We're rehearsing in a night club for the time being, and the set up is rather neat, to say the least. Our tech crew has only just arrived today. Granted we have sound, there was not an ample amount of light for taking good pictures during the rehearsal.

On the way to dinner, we were taxied by Santa who gave us heart-shaped ginger bread cookies out of his gift sack. DISGUSTING!! *inserts little green puke face* We all looked at each other with the same understanding that this was not okay, AT ALL. *slow blink* How many of his other riders had put their hands in the bag prior to us? Better yet, who's to say these aren't special cookies?? So, as not to be rude (but more so because we wanted to arrive to our destination in one piece), we each took a cookie and threw it away upon our arrival to the restaurant.

Perhaps tomorrow will have more pleasant surprises. I'm too sleepy to go on. Goodnight!!

*chucks deuces*


Monday, December 15, 2014


It's 1:15pm, and I'm a good 2hrs into my 8hrs. + layover. *eyes crossed* I'm pleasantly surprise to have been serenaded by American music this entire time. 

Now playing: "My Funny Valentine" Big Band Version.

I was proud to say I did thorough research for my trip, only to forget to consider a power adapter for my electronic devices. (I'm questioning my research ability theses days.) Thing is, Mommy asked me about that very thing before I left. *side eye* I heard her, but I didn't really HEAR her, if you know what I mean. BUT, thanks to my handy dandy sidekick "Moe" (I'm Batman; he's Robin), I have some juice for my devices as well as some nasty Franziskaner Weissebier -- a must-have in Germany -- which I've been babysitting since 11am. Moe's first meal of choice on this trip? McNasty. I'm declining. 

Speaking of meals, we were served twice on our long flight over. The experience has already been memorable. Our first meal on the plane…GREENS- as in collards, turnips or mustard!!! WHO thought THAT was a good idea??? LOL I was stuck in the middle of two guys, one from the UK and the other…all I know is he had a nose bleed during breakfast, and I wanted to give him a hug. Bless his heart.

A couple had a teeny weenie baby. If I had to guess, I'd say that baby walked out the womb exactly 7 days ago. Not once did I hear her cry (probably because I watched movies most of the flight); but she seemed to be a fairly content little person.

I'm fighting sleep like nobody's business. The goal is to stay up until I reach Estonia so that I can sleep tonight, in preparation for tomorrow's 9hr rehearsal. The sun is already going down, so this will be a challenge. Of course, I'll keep you posted...



Thursday, December 11, 2014

Workin' Day & Night

Yes, I know... *bows head in shame*
I've been MIA for over a year now, and although this is apparent from the blogging perspective the same cannot be said for life or the performance scene. So much has happened, and because I've been diligently Workin' Day & Night (literally), I haven't taken the time to post. I need a publicist. Any takers, Jillie Jean?? LOL I'm serious  (-___-)

Instead of bombarding you all with a loooooooong drawn out post catching you up on the past 15 months, I'll tickle your fancy with short, direct posts of the year's happenings. I have a video archive of the journey; so extensive reading will not always be necessary :D  Stay tuned.

In the meantime, I'd like announce that I'M BACK!!!! Well, not in the USofA per se, but INTERNATIONAL ATTENTION receives no complaints whatsoever. ;)

Playing around during intermission

In just a few days, I'll be reunited with The Ultimate Thriller (TUT) family in EUROPE! As a reminder to some and an introduction to new followers, The Ultimate Thriller is the Michael Jackson Tribute Show that toured the US last summer (2013). I am the lead female vocalist and only visible stream of estrogen in this family. This makes for a rather eventful experience, to say the least.

This time around, we are rehearsing and performing "across the waters". :D Our shows this month are in Tallinn, Estonia and Riga, Lavita. Be sure to LIKE the TUT Facebook Page for live fan video and photo uploads during our shows. You may also visit The Ultimate Thriller website for cast info, additional tour dates and ticket purchases.

Frequent posts will be made personally by me through my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube accounts. Make sure you're following now and throughout the holiday season for the latest updates. All links are over <------- there.

Thank you for your continued support. I hope to see you at an upcoming show!!

