Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Thanksgiving Christmas

Cover of my annual update/announcement
 I'm late in posting this on my blog, BUT the official (hard copy) announcements were delivered on time.  Internet followers, I have NOT forgotten about you.

I trust you all have favorably entered into the holiday season.  Despite how busy the season my be, we must remember to be thankful at ALL times.

I spent Thanksgiving in Plant City, FL with some extended family friends.  The time we spent together was very relaxing and enjoyable.  The food was MMMmmmMMM!!! :D and the laughs were ab-working and much needed after three plates!!


So much is going on at once to where I have not gathered enough time to complete another posting prior to this one.  But in my world, busy is GREAT!!  :D  I have created an announcement for the much anticipated Christmas production at New Beginnings Church of Orlando, FL and invite you all to experience the very real story.

"Divine Gateway" 
was written and directed by CeDarian D. Crawford of 

Stuck in an airport on Christmas Eve, six travelers are forced to address private issues in the open...

"Christmas isn't always like this.........or is it??"

For more information, click the flyer.  
You my also learn more on Facebook.


Sweet Evalina 
Opens tomorrow night (12/3) at the Orlando Shakespeare Theatre!!!
Click here to learn more.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sweet Evalina


COUNTDOWN:  Less than 1 month to go!! PRE-SALE NOW AVAILABLE! or call: 407-490-3057 Join me at the Orlando Shakespeare Theatre as the sassy, in-need of deliverance, Bernice Sondra Faye Jones. Dec 3-19, 2010

Sweet Evalina is an original play by Kyona Levine. It deals with the spirit of fear & its ability to hinder a person from reaching their highest level of greatness. 

This faith-inspired play is about a small town of people who belive that they are cursed by a woman named "Evilina." A young girl in town with dreams of going to college is determined to face "Evilina" and her curse. What she and the town discover will change their lives forever...

Check out Sweet Evalina  on Facebook!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

♫ Oh......Oh Sheeeila!! ♫

I checked the mail this evening after rehearsal and was pleasantly surprised to find the DVD of "River Valley," the FS Production film I shot in April, 2010.

(Long pause to take it all in.............*exhale and smile*)

I'm excited!!  I don't want to watch it alone, so I have to wait until tomorrow to view this final project :D  However, this would be the perfect time to catch you up on this movie-making experience.  After auditioning back in March, I was cast as the role of Sheila (an escort) and called to start shooting in April.  Hours spent on set were looooooooong, loooong and so very different than theatre.  Our rehearsals occurred after make-up, hair and wardrobe were complete, just before the actual filming.  So not like theatre, but once a "good shot" was created, it was done!!  No go-backs, no additional shows for improvement....DONE!!  When time permitted during breaks, I created video blogs.

Then it was time to eat "lunch" at 10:30pm...

And the food was soooo good :)  It would have been a great way to end the night/morning, but there was more work to be done.....and a surprise "guest" who joined us!!

I met many talented people during this time.  In between scenes we entertained ourselves and the crew (and fought the sleepy monster) by singing Disney songs :)  Only entertainers know ALL Disney songs VERBATIM!!!  I thought I was the only one...

Sheila and her fellow housemates
(Me and my fellow Disney singers)

The director and camera men

Close-up of Sheila's lovely 80's style make-up design

Sheila's "work" station.  It was a challenge placing everything back exactly where it was for various shots.  Film is all about consistency and much attention to detail.

Ah, man!!  Just creating this post makes me feel as if I was there, on set, yesterday. Good times.  This experience has definitely taught me first hand the difference between theatre and film.  It also gave me a greater appreciation for directors and screen actors.  I can honestly say that my passion is still on the stage :D, but when given another opportunity to act in front of a camera, I'm taking it!  HANDS DOWN!!  Many thanks to FS Productions for such a wonderful time.  Mmmmuah!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I am she; she is...ME!!!

On Friday, October 1, 2010, I graduated with a Masters degree.  I have never been more proud of myself, and I can truly say that I have gained a better understanding of who I am.  RhyanMichele :D  It has nothing to do with a piece of paper or accolades but everything to do with a reminder from Grams...

"Always know who you are, whose you are, and who you represent."

I am RhyanMichele Adams, an heir to the thrown.  
A daughter of THE KING...
My FATHER'S child
And I represent the FAMILY...destined for more and living in greatness!!

My experience at Full Sail University has been the most rewarding educational experience I have EVER had at an accredited institution.  It was a choice I made and followed-through all by myself.  I was not coerced to continue my education and despite the conscious efforts I make to make my parents proud, I'm making decisions for me!!  What makes Rhyan happy?? As Daddy has reassured me that I'm an adult now. This is MY life and at the end of the day, the only person I have to live with is ME.

Me and instructor/Grammy voter Bill Thompson

My classmate, CeDarian, and me before the ceremony

Me and my family after graduation

I was able to capture many memories during my final hours at Full Sail.  I am proud of my fellow entertainment professionals.  We've come a long way, and I'm excited to learn of everyone's successes.

This episode means more to me than winning any competition.  We worked together to help each other achieve individual goals, and we were never selfish.  Our collective objective was to all survive. "NO MAN LEFT BEHIND"  Thank you for being you and for accepting me for ME!!  Muah!!

So, what have I learned??
What I want and what I do are NOT contingent on the desires of others.  There is no competition.  The sides are NEVER even.  My success is not measured by the things others see or consider to be "BIG" but the satisfaction and peace that only I hold within.  My desires are for me and no one else.   In the words of Joy Behar (in a Brooklyn, NY accent), "So what? Who cares??" lol

This is ME!!!  I am RhyanMichele Adams.  I am she; she is...... ME!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Who Would've "Thunk" It?? :/

Yo, yo, yo!!!

I'm super excited to inform you all that I am back where I belong: ONST4GE.  On yesterday evening, I attended a final audition for an original stage play in Orlando, entitled "Sweet Evalina."  Although it gives me great pleasure to have landed a major role prior to graduation, I am most excited to have been cast as a 30-something year old.  LOL  For those of you who do not know me, I am small and short in stature and I look like I'm 12!  (Hehe)  My personality and energy are completely opposite in my appearance, and since the start of my professional acting days, I've only been cast in roles of characters who are under the age of 15!!  Soooo, this is a 
accomplishment for me, especially considering the only physical change that's been made since the start of my career is my hair! I've definitely learned that although I may not feel I meet the current requirements, the rules are always changeable!! Whatever I choose to present provides grounds for revisions.

For all actors:  play to the best of your ability.  If the director is impressed by your ability and you blend well with the other cast members, you'll get the part.  We all know that make-up and wardrobe work wonders!!  Remember also that 7% of success is SHOWING UP!!  Don't sell yourself short.

Sunday, September 19, 2010 OFF!!

Well, well, well...
It has certainly been a while since my last post, and much has happened. I am wrapping up my Masters degree program and having a
in my transition period from school to the "real" world. I have since moved into a beautiful new home and have been offered a few job positions in entertainment. My program instructors and course directors at Full Sail University have made this experience absolutely wonderful. My expectations have been exceeded, and I have received rave reviews regarding my business plan and its accompanying presentation. As finalizations are being made, more info will be posted.

So what's next? I'm glad you asked :)

This past Thursday, I attended my first meeting as the Stage Manager of the Theatre Ministry at New Beginnings Church. I am overjoyed to be able to work with my best friend, as his right-hand (wo)man. :) God has truly given us a unified vision for spiritual outreach through live theatre performances that will be professional and very much NOT like the traditional church plays and skits. There were several people of all ages and cultures in attendance. Our mission for the next few weeks will be to establish a name that will represent the group and ministry as a whole. I'm looking forward to the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT and beginning production of the first original show, to premiere during the Christmas Season.

I will be posting more entries in the coming weeks, as the demands of school have come to an end. I am also refreshing my skills in dance, voice and theatre, as I prepare to reenter the acting scene. In the meantime, Follow Me On Twitter!! I hope to capture your attention on a stage near you...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Drain Bamage: The Internet vs. Critical Thinking

In general, has the Internet diminished our ability to think critically or are we more informed than previous generations -- or both? 

Overall, I do not believe the Internet has diminished our ability to think critically anymore than I believe that it has provided a reason for us to no longer utilize this ability. Prior to the Internet’s advancements, we critical analysts were forced to research, examine and determine answers to the questions that we were asked and make sense of theories about which we were inquiring.  We went to the library and read books.  We interviewed experts.  We read the newspaper that was delivered to our doorstep daily.  But now, with the aid of the Internet, the answers are made convenient before us, saving us both time and energy. 

Critical thinking involves time. Time spent thinking is lessened by the instant rate of the Internet.  I must agree with Steven Pinker when, in his article Mind Over Mass Media, he speaks of technological distractions (i.e. text messages, ad pop-ups, instant messenger) interfering with critical thinking.  He also makes the point that distractions are not a newly occurring problem.  In order to eliminate them, we must practice self-control by eliminating these distractions or learning to ignore them.

By having knowledge literally at our fingertips, today’s generation has access to information our grandparents never dreamed about.  Indeed we are more informed and therefore, more should be expected of us.  The idea of the Internet diminishing our ability to think critically is not far-fetched.  I do believe critical thinking can be enhanced and developed through practice. 

For the younger generation, which is growing up on computers, cell phones and eBooks as opposed to pencils, paper and pay phones, thinking critically may be hard but is certainly not an inability.  Although I believe computers are educational tools among grade school students, I am concerned that not all educators are teaching these students to survive and operate without them.  Instead of being able to critically analyze a book, students are now able to critically analyze the best way in which to find summaries and information about the book.  Approval of such searches for class is not only taught but highly encouraged, making the collection of the book for reading purposes unnecessary.  In short, the Internet is not diminishing the ability to think critically as it is focusing the analysis in another direction.

Bio: A native of Columbia, SC, RhyanMichele is a Masters degree candidate for Entertainment Business at Full Sail University. This tiny bomb of theatrical energy is determined to seek after, learn about and share entertainment insight as she COLORS OUTSIDE THE LINES: making her creative mark on the theatre entertainment industry.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Bible Theatre, What?! WHY??

BORING!!! some people often times regard Christian entertainment; not entertaining in the least bit


Tradition has caused people of the 21st century (the new breed) to stray away from Bible reading and in turn develop new methods of teaching, praising and worshipping God and fellowshipping with one another.

We live in a world of change, and as we change, the ways of life must change as well. In order to accommodate the interests of today's young generations, the ministers and leaders of the church must tap into what attracts the attention of these developing minds. Technology has advanced tremendously over the past decade, allowing us to produce greater quantities of work while enhancing the quality. Why not use these tools to also advance the Kingdom of God?

THE ARTS can be found within all walks of life across the nations. It's a universal language that any person can understand and interpret. The body of Christ is one of unity, togetherness and love. When you think about it, the best way to come together to worship and praise God where everyone can equally participate is simple. The answer lies solely in THE ARTS. Hallelujah, the highest praise we can give our Lord, is the SAME in every language! How awesome is that?! By unifying as one body, we teach all and remain undefeated.

"Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."
Proverbs 29:18

There are several companies that have indeed tapped into christian theater as its primary ministerial tool. The vision of Sight-Sound Theatres is similar to my vision of Butterfly Keys. Sight-Sound is based on theatre ministry, and from just viewing the website, I have gained much inspiration from this company. Because I believe we Christians should support each other in ministry, especially regarding THE ARTS, from a ministerial standpoint, I do not view them as competition but instead as another way to reach masses.

I challenge you to be creative. Turn your passion into ministry.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Student Website

3 Most Popular Websites in My Market:

(1) Christian Youth Theatre (
Although there is no traffic trend recorded over the past 6 months, the internet traffic rank for CYT has changed -367,064 in the past 3 months. The daily reach is up 50% over the past 3 months and time spent on the site has increased 10%. Search engine based visits are up 7% as well.
Trend assessment is not available for this site.

(2) Sight & Sound Theatres (
Although there is no traffic trend recorded over the past 6 months, the internet traffic rank for Sight-Sound has changed -235,940 in the past 3 months. The daily reach is up 90% and the pageviews is up 140% over the past 3 months. Time spent on the site has increased 66%. However, search engine based visits are down 21%.
Trends show a gradual yet constant decline in visits from December to March, a sudden drop mid-March and a scale upward in April. Halfway through the month, there is another decrease is visitation, but May sparks a rapid increase that peaks at the middle of the month and drops drastically thereafter.
Reach and pageviews trends are nearly identical. Following a steady low percentage, there is a slight increase in March and steady percentage rate maintained through May.

(3) Christian Arts & Theatre of Corona - CAT (
Although there is no traffic trend recorded over the past 6 months, the internet traffic rank for CAT has changed +3,753,839 in the past 3 months. The pageviews/user has increased 90%. The time on the site has gone up 534%.
Trend assessment is not available for this site.

Based on Alexa, the industry's target audience has an age range from 35-64. The audience consists mostly of females, those with children, those who attended college and those who work.
Other websites used by the audience:,
Search terms used by the audience: christian theater, theater, christian arts, arts and theatre
I've learned throughout my research, that the spelling of the world theater/theatre matters. Most people search for theater as opposed to theatre.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hello Out There!!!

Obviously, this is the first blog, and I must say, that I don't consider myself to be a blogger. (chirping crickets)


You will probably view more video blogs than written blogs from me, as I prefer to talk than to write.

What to expect: the first few blogs will recap happenings of this year. I will also be posting my endeavors and projects as they pertain to my degree requirements (MS in Entertainment Business: Internet Marketing) and relative sites and blogs related to this one, will be posted for your viewing as well. In the meantime, check out CeDarian's blog. CeDarian is a great writer/director and amazingly gifted actor. He will definitely keep you entertained throughout his blog. I'm excited to hear your thoughts on this site's material. The journey has officially begun!!

Thank you for visiting, and welcome!!