Thursday, October 14, 2010

♫ Oh......Oh Sheeeila!! ♫

I checked the mail this evening after rehearsal and was pleasantly surprised to find the DVD of "River Valley," the FS Production film I shot in April, 2010.

(Long pause to take it all in.............*exhale and smile*)

I'm excited!!  I don't want to watch it alone, so I have to wait until tomorrow to view this final project :D  However, this would be the perfect time to catch you up on this movie-making experience.  After auditioning back in March, I was cast as the role of Sheila (an escort) and called to start shooting in April.  Hours spent on set were looooooooong, loooong and so very different than theatre.  Our rehearsals occurred after make-up, hair and wardrobe were complete, just before the actual filming.  So not like theatre, but once a "good shot" was created, it was done!!  No go-backs, no additional shows for improvement....DONE!!  When time permitted during breaks, I created video blogs.

Then it was time to eat "lunch" at 10:30pm...

And the food was soooo good :)  It would have been a great way to end the night/morning, but there was more work to be done.....and a surprise "guest" who joined us!!

I met many talented people during this time.  In between scenes we entertained ourselves and the crew (and fought the sleepy monster) by singing Disney songs :)  Only entertainers know ALL Disney songs VERBATIM!!!  I thought I was the only one...

Sheila and her fellow housemates
(Me and my fellow Disney singers)

The director and camera men

Close-up of Sheila's lovely 80's style make-up design

Sheila's "work" station.  It was a challenge placing everything back exactly where it was for various shots.  Film is all about consistency and much attention to detail.

Ah, man!!  Just creating this post makes me feel as if I was there, on set, yesterday. Good times.  This experience has definitely taught me first hand the difference between theatre and film.  It also gave me a greater appreciation for directors and screen actors.  I can honestly say that my passion is still on the stage :D, but when given another opportunity to act in front of a camera, I'm taking it!  HANDS DOWN!!  Many thanks to FS Productions for such a wonderful time.  Mmmmuah!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I am she; she is...ME!!!

On Friday, October 1, 2010, I graduated with a Masters degree.  I have never been more proud of myself, and I can truly say that I have gained a better understanding of who I am.  RhyanMichele :D  It has nothing to do with a piece of paper or accolades but everything to do with a reminder from Grams...

"Always know who you are, whose you are, and who you represent."

I am RhyanMichele Adams, an heir to the thrown.  
A daughter of THE KING...
My FATHER'S child
And I represent the FAMILY...destined for more and living in greatness!!

My experience at Full Sail University has been the most rewarding educational experience I have EVER had at an accredited institution.  It was a choice I made and followed-through all by myself.  I was not coerced to continue my education and despite the conscious efforts I make to make my parents proud, I'm making decisions for me!!  What makes Rhyan happy?? As Daddy has reassured me that I'm an adult now. This is MY life and at the end of the day, the only person I have to live with is ME.

Me and instructor/Grammy voter Bill Thompson

My classmate, CeDarian, and me before the ceremony

Me and my family after graduation

I was able to capture many memories during my final hours at Full Sail.  I am proud of my fellow entertainment professionals.  We've come a long way, and I'm excited to learn of everyone's successes.

This episode means more to me than winning any competition.  We worked together to help each other achieve individual goals, and we were never selfish.  Our collective objective was to all survive. "NO MAN LEFT BEHIND"  Thank you for being you and for accepting me for ME!!  Muah!!

So, what have I learned??
What I want and what I do are NOT contingent on the desires of others.  There is no competition.  The sides are NEVER even.  My success is not measured by the things others see or consider to be "BIG" but the satisfaction and peace that only I hold within.  My desires are for me and no one else.   In the words of Joy Behar (in a Brooklyn, NY accent), "So what? Who cares??" lol

This is ME!!!  I am RhyanMichele Adams.  I am she; she is...... ME!!!