Saturday, December 31, 2011

What's In A Name? (For his Grandchildren)

This post is dedicated to my 29+ first cousins...

Today, our grandfather Tally Adams, Jr. is listed in #TheState newspaper under the article "REMEMBERING 2011." This makes me proud!! We have a legacy to continue and a STRONG, INFLUENTIAL "name" to uphold!! I'm extremely thankful to have you guys, and I love you dearly. As we continue to grow by adding spouses and children to this legacy, I pray our bonds are strengthened and even more priceless memories are created together.

Although we may not all have the ADAMS last name (and some of us will eventually drop it upon marriage), we are obviously linked as first cousins. So when I used the term "name", what I really mean is the character and reputation that has been created through our grandparents and passed down to us through the examples set by our parents.

I've been labeled as Baby Adams, following in the steps of Mama Adams (Grandma) through singing and ministering in church. I thought it was cute when I was younger, having overlooked the weight behind it. I never really knew how much that "name" meant until after she passed. Singing took on a whole new meaning for me, and many of you know that for a time, I completely STOPPED!! You didn't hear a peep out of me unless someone was getting married or we were playing around at "the house".  As time moved on, I learned to embrace the gifts I have and to carry on the legacy she established. It's a privilege to be offered the torch, but we don't have to accept it. Nor do we have to keep it lit... Ultimately it's our individual choice.

I'm choosing to take the torch, and with it, I am runniiiiin' (Forrest Gump voice)!! With the passing of both grandparents, the generations have been shifted. WE ARE OUR PARENTS!!! Scary?? I know. BUT we have each other, and what better time to bond and build legacies for the next generation than now?? This is OUR family. If we don't step up, there's no one else who will.

I'm teary-eyed writing this because I'm grateful. I realize just how blessed I am to have FAMILY that I'm not just related to but with which I have RELATIONSHIP!! I can't explain how honored I am to have you ALL in my life.

brutal honesty, tough love, rug burns, encouragement, bullying, speeding tickets, butt whoopins, smiles, arguments, babies, near death experiences, phone calls, hugs, car accidents, opinions, rubber band bruises, food, deep conversations, support, fights, clothes, cards, advice, a plethora of incriminated unmentioned happenings, etc. I could go on all day...  

There's no better group of people for me to laugh, cry or cut a fool with, and I wouldn't trade you for the world. Despite how far apart we are spread across the WORLD, we always manage to bring it back to good ol' South Carolina, where we can escape and find strength in each other. :)

Don't forget to check out the article!!

Be you, be true...

     'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
      Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
      What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,
      Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
      Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
      What's in a name? that which we call a rose
      By any other name would smell as sweet;
      So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,
      Retain that dear perfection which he owes
      Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
      And for that name which is no part of thee
      Take all myself.

                         --William Shakespeare via Juliet Montague

HAPPY NEW YEAR from Orlando
Believe me, it gets even BETTER!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bare Naked Truth

Mommy has been encouraging me to become more transparent. Says it's freeing O_o I already don't like wearing clothes. How much more naked can I be???????

There's so much things to say right now. (Yes. You read that correctly. I typed it that way intentionally.) I'm almost uncertain as of where to start. The beginning you say?  Uuuuugh...NO!! It's not that simple. To sum it all up, I'd say, "OK, LORD!!!!! I GET IT!!!! Geez!!"  Get what, you ask.  The fact that I need to show honest emotion. Ok, it's out... *rolls eyes and sighs* :) Aside from smaller spiritual nuggets (conversational confirmations), the issue at hand was brought to my attention on three (3) separate occasions.

Lauryn Hill - Bob Marley So Much Things to Say (Cover)

Every morning, when I speak to the Twitter Nation, I send an encouraging word or food for thought (that I usually post to my wall on the Book of Faces as well). These brief statements are really personal reminders for me that I have chosen to share with others. (1) This morning, I read Friday's devotional, which was titled Showing Honest Emotion.  (2) Yesterday I picked up The Power of a Praying Woman (after having put it down earlier this year), and the chapter that was next in my reading was titled, "Lord Set Me Free From Negative Emotions". (3) Last night, I had a heart to heart with Mommy about how much of a talker I AM NOT!! Surprised?? Allow me to clarify:

I TALK...about the entertainment industry, things people can see (the tangible), debatable issues such as politics and scientific theories, reality shows, comedic references and anything that doesn't make me appear vulnerable. Many know that I have quite the presence in social media; and though strong, it doesn't scratch the surface of who I am inside. It's simply my stage. (After all, I am an entertainer.) Many actors fear exposing themselves before audiences. I don't. It brings about a sense of indirect emotional release for me, because I know the character I'm playing, although believable, is not my reality. Instead, it's my excuse to cut a fool and get away with it. LOL Method actors, on the other hand.......I'll save this for another blog post.  ;)

I'm VERY sociable and outgoing.  I LOVE PEOPLE, and I LOVE TO TALK WITH PEOPLE. However, when it comes down to how I really feel inside (that mushy gushy stuff, being hurt in the past or struggling to "do it right"), I rarely ever share. I don't deny my feelings. Nor am I one to say all is well when it's not. I simply repel inquiries by saying: "I'll be okay" or "I don't wanna talk about it," and retreat with hope that whatever it is blows over and eventually vanishes. A friend described it perfectly by saying I'm good at having long, surface conversations. :)

In so few words, Mommy told me I had a serious problem with appearing like I have it together all the time. Said I need to see a therapist and get rid of the facade. Otherwise, when I do choose to open up to someone, they may not realize just how much I hurt or need their help.

o_O   *chirping crickets*

Ok, it wasn't THAT harsh, and she made no mention of a therapist.  Actually it wasn't harsh at all, BUT because it's something I've been struggling with, it slapped me in the face rather hard. Her honesty was much needed, and I certainly appreciate it. I would not have received that information had I not opened up to her and been honest with my feelings. Lesson learned.
(Please don't read deeply into my above dramatization. I was a theatre major...remember?)

Moving right along...
We all get emotional. Anyone that believes he/she doesn't is not being honest with him/herself. Now THAT's a book for another lifetime. We all have feelings. Contrary to popular belief, we can't control them. However, we can control the way we REACT or RESPOND because of them. I'm learning to talk and express myself without being concerned about the reaction or response of the person with whom I am sharing. It's not fair for me to hinder the developmental process between me and another person, because I'm so concerned about saying "safe". I will admit that I'm guarded, because I want to be careful not be get burned (again). But let's be real. We're bound to get hurt. But I'm at a point in my life were I'd rather get hurt and move on than to have never had the opportunity to share my life with the closest friends I have yet to learn or meet. Bob Marley said it best:  

“The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. 
You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.”

I've said all this to liberate myself and perhaps help someone else struggling with expression. This post is not to start exposing myself or to become vulnerable to the world. It's the start of an extraction exercise to rid myself of negative emotions. If one can't accept you for you, count is as lost for them and a bullet you dodged. Think about it.

This is simply the Gospel According to Rhyan, which to some means nothing at all!! :D
Ok, sooooooo, yeah. I feel more NAKED now than I felt the time I went streaking in Central Park!! JUST KIDDING!!!  (Grams: I have NEVER been streaking, ok?! PROMISE)

Be you; be true; 
Carefree, not careless;
Laugh yourself to LIFE;
Listen with your heart. Love fearlessly
Live Deliberately

Monday, December 5, 2011

NEWs ova Heah!!

WHOA!!! I'm slacking on my posts!!! **YIKES**

On November 1, 2011 I announced the publication of my new company:

Cineman Shots, Inc was developed to meet the developmental needs of entrepreneurs, playwrights and screenwriters. My daddy always said to me, "If no one will hire you, hire yourself." So that's what I did. I look forward to providing services to upcoming companies and writers. It brings me great pleasure to aid in making other people's business dreams a successful reality. For more information "LIKE" Cineman Shots on Facebook.


In other NEWs:
I'm proud to announce that BOBBY LEE BLOOD was a success ---> so much that we have been asked to present and encore performance next weekend. Soooo, having come off of a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving break with the family, back to the theatre I go. If you missed it the first time or loved it and want to see it again, join the cast at The Experience Christian Center in Orlando, FL for a FREE, yes FREE Admission performance at 6pm!!  You won't want to miss the dynamic cast of 6, who never leave the stage and portray 15 different roles. For more information, visit


I've created an INSTAGRAM account!!! 
Check it out. I've managed to capture some amazing shots during my day to day view of I know it!! Join me!! Here are a few pictures that have been added.

Under water? or GAS?! O_o
The Staring Game
Good ol' SC Eats!!

“This was left on my car! Made my whole freakin' day :D”

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Hello Readers!!
I am currently in and out of rehearsals for another SPARKyL ENTERTAINMENT original!! As a reminder for some (and back story for others), the first show (Sweet Evalina) in which I was cast here in Orlando, was too a work of the aforementioned company. This amazing production was written and directed by the accomplished Kyona Levine. I am pleased to announce that I will be playing along side this impressive actress as we and 4 others portray the 15 characters in a revised creation of her (one-woman show) BOBBY LEE BLOOD!!

After over 5 years of friendship and separated industry work, I am honored to accept the opportunity to share the stage with the multi-talented CeDarian "Joe Clark" Crawford, who is also the director for this show!! I can't begin to explain just how excited I am to not only work with these two again, but to now share the stage as we all tap back into our acting roots.
Humbled. :)

It will keep you on the edge of your seat!

Bobby Lee Blood is faith-inspired, suspense drama about a woman who is afraid that her father's criminal behavior may be in her bloodline.  Inspired by Roman's 12:2, "Do not conform to the pattern of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."

Kyona Levine &  CeDarian Crawford have tag-teamed Central Florida with their out-the-box, faith-inspired productions (Sweet Evalina, Sanctified Theft) which have very strong storylines that are far from preachy.  Levine holds her M.F.A. degree from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts.  Crawford holds his M.S. degree from Full Sail University.  Both, Levine and Crawford, have extensive acting backgrounds and will join four other Central Florida actors, including RhyanMichele Adams, Iris Lynne, Mikki Mabra, & Kenny Rogers,  in this ensemble performance. of BOBBY LEE BLOOD. Group rates (10 or more) and student discounts are also available by emailing:  More information about the play can be found on and  

NOVEMBER 11th, 12th, & 13th, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Eagle's Nest Baptist Church in Orlando, FL
Purchase at:
For info on discount tickets, LIKE our page on:
Group rates (10 or more) and student discounts are also available by emailing:


Stay tuned for exclusive video footage from behind the scenes of Sweet Evalina as well as clips from our current rehearsals...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Flashing Lights

On Friday, September 30th, the staff of C-L.I.V.E. Productions and the cast of Miserably Single celebrated the premiere of this Fall's newest web-series. Guests appeared in their finest attire, camera ready and prepared to network. Take a look at pictures taken from that night, courtesy of Lee Hodge Photography!!

L to R: Charmion Sparrow (Monica), Brandy Grant (Angela), Diana Lovell (Karen), Kareen Kennedy (Tracy) and Debra Foxx (Michelle)
Photo taken by Dynasty Photography
Photo edits by Flawless Photography

The C-LIVE Team
Brandy Grant with her sisters

Diana Lovell, Val, me & Debra Fox
Artist/Composer Marcc Gregory
Live music provided by Tony Wynn

Val, Wayde Brown (actor) and me

Contona Thomas (Producer) with
Jonah Travick (Line Producer/Director of Photography/Editor)

Scenes from Miserably Single
Episode 1

Actor Wendell Kenny and me

Jamie Andrews Chambers with Kaleesha "Kelz" Pullen (Event Coordinator)
Director Tony Major with the Ladies of Miserably Single
Actors Brandy Grant, Kareen Kennedy, Arthur Brady II, Debra Foxx, Wayde Brown, me and Val


Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I can't tell y'all how sleepy I am. Dash and I had an unwanted visitor last night. Check it out. The video speaks for itself...

Friday, September 23, 2011

So Much Better than Collard Greens & Cornbread

Hey Everybody!!
Yes, I've been in hole, BUT for a very good reason. Most of my time has been spent on set filming as well as behind the scenes, handling business affairs.  Let's rewind so that I can explain what's REALLY going on!!

In February, I was hired at Daversa Partners as an Associate-Executive Recruiter to help develop the sports and entertainment sector of the firm. However, because of the hiring freezes within both the NBA and NFL, we were unable to gain contracts, and therefore, my position was useless. My time with the firm was deemed an internship and in May, I was officially unemployed.

In a matter of days, I was called to be the guest artist of a show premiering at the DC Black Theatre Festival. I packed my things, dropped Dash off with his grandparents and hit on the road (hence my last line in Ketchup and Mustard up some Missed Beets). Unfortunately, things fell through (as some independent projects do), BUT the experience allotted me the opportunity to study at The Second City (school of improvisation and sketch comedy) in Chicago!! I met some of the BEST comedic actors of my generation and developed lasting relationships with other Bohemian Artist Children like myself. :) I truly felt at home, and it was there that I regained a tight grasp on the RhyanMichele that had wondered off during the 6 months prior.

My Second City Summer Intensive Family

Me, Martha, Pat, and Janie Poo :)

I was privileged to attend a TJ and Dave Show at the iO Improv in Wrigleyville. As I performed my usual scan-the-room routine, I noticed VERY familiar faces. To my surprise, they were faces belonging to members of my SC theatre crew! Martha and I go back to grade school and Theatre South Carolina, and all four of us (Pat and Jane included) have worked as players/crew with TRUSTUS Theatre!! Martha and Pat are also KFA forensic actors as well. We MAY see each other once a year on assignment, so this was indeed heartwarming.

I seriously considered a move to the midwest; I have fallen in LOVE with Chicago. After returning to SC from my wonderful adventure (end of June), I was asked by a producer (who too saw me perform in Sweet Evalina) to attend a production meeting (that was scheduled in Orlando in 3 days); so Dash and I packed our things and headed back to our FL abode.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Who's THAT girl?!

While browsing through the Book of Faces (Facebook), I noticed a very familiar face appear in my timeline...
This just in!! It's a promotional contest hosted by one of Orlando's finest photography companies, Hughes Fioretti.  The face they were using to advertise the winning prize of a free mini photo session...
^ ^ ^ click the link above ^ ^ ^

I am proud to represent such a wonderful team of photographers. Julie and Gary are not only great at capturing the moment, but they offer exceptional services that make you want to return again and again! 

Thursday, September 1, 2011


On Sunday, July 10, 2011, as I greeting my fellow Tweeters on Twitter, as I do every morning, I noticed the trending topic #whoeverimarry.  

(For those of you who are not familiar with Twitter and its contents, hashtags (#) are used to group discussions regarding a single topic.) 

In response, to the aforementioned topic, I tweeted the following:   
#whoeverimarry can't be trippin' about who I'm kissing on stage. Trust me. The show on stage won't begin to compare to the one at home. OK??
My Twitter homie and fellow entertainment professional, Courtney Jackson (@TheSouthrnGent) commented on my tweet and the following conversation was held.

(Keep in mind that Twitter operates on "mentions". When you see @RhyanMichele, that's Courtney speaking to me; when you see @TheSouthrnGent, that's me speaking to Courtney. Because of the character limit on Twitter, much is abbreviated.) 


@RhyanMichele I've always wondered how people feel when they see their spouse share a passionate kiss or sex scene on screen....

@TheSouthrnGent Having been in more than one relationship during my career, I've noticed that industry cohorts better "get it." Non-industry sig. others (in my case) felt very and completely uncomfortable. I dated a guy who too was an actor, said he was ok w it, but would tense up EVERY TIME!! He tried to sike himself out. It's all about knowing/trusting your sig. other and being comfortable knowing it's just a character, no matter what role. Aaaaaaaand, you didnt ask me all that. lol As you were. Lol

@RhyanMichele So how do u bring that up in a convo? And how does it make YOU feel knowing that this will be an issue for most guys?

@TheSouthrnGent Right off the bat, we know ea others professions. I'm the type of person that blatantly asks. Thats a question you can sneak in during a convo about a project you're working on. Or talk about a kissing role you had before and ask her thoughts. How does it make me feel?? It's a risk I have to take. Dont get me wrong. We all feel a certain way just thinking abt our sig. other kissing someone (acting or not). BUT that's where trust/understanding come in. Since it's a HUGE issue for most guys, I chose to roll w the punches. What I do now as a single actress, I dont see myself changing as a married actress. I'm already not gonna strip on stage (standard I've already set for myself, and my hubby may not going for it either). When it all boils down to it, it's apart of your "what I want" package, as w those who aren't actors. Did I ans ur question?

@RhyanMichele Yes u answered it... I understand where ur coming from.. If I have a late night studio session with a female vocalist in another state, thats something my s/o will have to deal.. My field, as well as yours, requires A LOT of time, so thats something else she'll have to get used to

@TheSouthrnGent YUP!!! Unless you get to the point where it's jeopardizing your relationship and you choose her over your career. Which can be tricky. We women need to know you'll choose us over your career. For me, it doesnt mean you have to choose. Just means I mean more to you than your career. If your career crashes, you wont lose your mind and throw me away but allow me to make up for what was lost. Goes back to the Alicia Keys song..."if i ain't go you" U what? U the woman or U the career?? Also for me, I'm a supporter. For my man, if he likes it, I FREAKIN' LOVE IT!!! And if i know im more important than that thing, Im gonna do whatever I can to HELP him get it. #1 fan, loudest cheerleader...ALL THAT!! But why would I support sumthin that I know takes precedence over me?? Call it silly but it could evolve into a 'wham bam thank you maam'! Now i'm stuck...

@RhyanMichele I feel u... Must be why people in the industry date in that circle... Makes sense that the biggest female artist (Beyonce) & the biggest male artist (Jay) would get married... They dont only love each other... They UNDERSTAND each other as well.

@TheSouthrnGent EXACTLY!!! And there are so many other perks that come with it too... PROMOS AND PUBLICITY!! Indirectly, they are a team/business!!

@RhyanMichele Yep... Cant ask for much more from your life-long partner...


Since this conversation was had, I've had second thoughts about some of these things... 
I would like to hear YOUR thoughts. Comment on this post!! 
  1. What are your views on marriage and career? 
  2. Should one meet your standards as they are set as a single professional?
  3. Are you willing to change your way of business after marriage? 
  4. What are your expectations in terms of a significant other's career?
**Feel free to post your questions for me as well. I'll collectively answer them and share my second thoughts in another post. :P

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Life. Leadership. Legacy.

Due to unforeseen circumstances and a very hectic agenda, I've been slacking on my posts...
On Tuesday, July 26, 2011 my paternal grandfather, Deacon Tally Adams, Jr. transitioned into eternity.  I arrived home to SC on Thursday morning, relieved to be around my family, but on Friday morning, I wrote this:

"Waking up today felt different...
My heart grieves. Presently, my world seems quite surreal - stuck in a 1st gear of autopilot, as it reluctantly chases reality. BUT GOD. He gives comfort through both His Word and the unity of family; and THAT alone gives reason to celebrate."

Granddad and me in SC back in the day!!  I was almost 3 years old! :D

It's been a loooooooooog 4 weeks...

Father's Day 2011 :)
Along with my father, my grandfather moved me from SC into my first apartment in FL. Excited about my new endeavor, he even attended the Behind the Scenes tour with me at FULL SAIL, satisfied that I had made the right decision. I am forever grateful for the discipline he instilled in me to never let go of my heart's desires, and I will show my appreciation as I encourage and lead others to do the same. 

Missing him so much... 

Listen!! Don't just hear but LISTEN to what is being said and absorb the knowledge being given to YOU by those who have made it possible for YOU to be the best YOU. Allow the inner man in YOU to determine what YOU take and what YOU leave from the words said to YOU. Only YOU decide where YOU will go, what YOU will do and who YOU will become.  There is only one YOU!!!

Thankful for being a part of his 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

URGENT:: Casting Call for Upcoming Webisodes

Currently casting for non-union webisodes featuring 4 female leads, and attractive supporting males.
All ethnicities will be considered.

If interested please:
1) Read character breakdown.
2) Email us your headshot and resume.
3) Put in the subject line of your email the name of the character you would like to audition for.
We will then contact you with further audition information. Auditions will be held by appointment only.

Character Breakdown
1-Angela—African American Female Age range 25-30. She is the shy one in the group. She is simple and plain in nature. She is cute but slim and nothing really stands out about her. She is also the most intelligent one. She doesn’t speak much but when she does the entire listen either in amazement or in disbelief.

2-Michelle—African American Female Age range 27-35. She is gorgeous, long weave and light skinned. She knows exactly what type of man she wants from height, weight, color, education and will not settle for less. Most uppity one in the group.

3-Tracy—African American Female Age range 27-35. She's a beautiful, dark chocolate female who wears extension as well. She's much like Michelle where she knows what she wants and will not compromise when it comes to men. She is closet to Michelle in the group.

4-Karen—Mixed with African American Age range 27-35. She's outgoing and fun to be around. Although she is mixed she only wants a black man and the other girls tease her about dating her other side, but she is not having it.

5-Monica—African American Female Age range 27-35—She is the most fashionable one in the group. She’s the wig queen. She changes them as often as she changes her panties. She is very articulate but will get ghetto in two second without hesitation. She is known for embarrassing her girlfriends when they are out. She keeps a calendar on the refrigerator of her last sexual encounter and all her girlfriends know and she is not ashamed to tell them at any given moment.

6-Booker—African American Male, age range 40-50—He’s your stereotypical “Mack Daddy” type from the 80’s. Someone that would wear an all bright red suit with a red pimp had and red shoes.

7-Brian—Any ethnicity male, age range 30-40. Average Joe, but very artsy looking.

8-Chad—Any ethnicity male, age range 25-35. Very handsome and clean cut with a beautiful smile.

9-Curtis—African American Male, age range 24-40. No taller than 5’3” and slender build.

10-Event Host—Any Ethnicity and any gender Age range 30-40. Lively and Fun and very articulate.

11-Greg—African American male, age range 25-40. Dark and handsome guy at least 6’ 3" tall.

12-Michael—African American male, age range 25-40, average Joe.

13-James—African American male, age range 25-35, Nerdy guy with glasses.

14-Limo Driver—Black Male preferable Jamaican or Haitian accent, age range 40-50. Average Joe

15-Nick—Any ethnicity, male, age range 25-30. Very handsome with nice body build.

16-Receptionist-Any ethnicity, any gender, age range 18-23.

17-Therapist—African American Female 40-60 years old. Very professional and articulate.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ketchup and Mustard up Some Missed Beets :)

Whoa Folks!!  It's been way too long.  I had no intention of leaving the blog space open for such an extended period of time.  So many unexpected things have happened my way.  Nevertheless...I'm still here and flourishing like never before.  My days are super busy with traveling and new projects. (I'll tell you more about that in a few weeks.)  In the meantime, let me catch you up on the year...

December started it all:
For the very first time, I spent my Christmas, my birthday and New Years ALONE!!  I had my baby Dash (Cocker Spaniel) with me, of course, and I was able to relax and recover from Sweet Evalina.  It was a very different holiday season. However, I received a countless number of phone calls from family and friends and had cards covering my countertop, bar and office desk.  The presence of those who love me was certainly evident, and I appreciate them for that.

I left my place of employment with FAIRWINDS Credit Union after accepting a position as an executive recruiter with a premier boutique search firm.  Two days before my last day at the credit union, I burned my hand, wrist and arm in a "freak accident" involving coffee.  Yes! I said COFFEE at a CREDIT UNION. My FAIRWINDS family say it was my going away present. Soooooo, for Lenten Season, I gave up the warm, brown delight.  I truly miss them, (my co-workers, not my cups of coffee), but my 1st & 2nd degree burn scars don't let me forget! Nevertheless, I have healed right nicely.  "No gain."

Sweet Evalina helped to propel me to the next level.  I signed with BiCoastal Talent Agency and was cast in another show after the writer/director saw me perform as the character as Bernice. That project is scheduled for early September in Orlando, FL.

In March, we celebrated the life of my grandfather, Dea. Emeritus Walter F. Mayo, Jr.  His transition into eternity has been quite an adjustment for us all.  I miss him dearly.

In May, we partied as the Baby Falcon (little sister, Logan) graduated from high school!!  I'm extremely proud of the beautiful lady she's grown to be, and I'm excited for what's to come in her career.

Currently, I'm in a undisclosed location with one of Twitter's finest...working on yet another project!!   My down time is limited and things are moving rather quickly, but I'll certainly keep you in the loop. Stay tuned :)

Gramps and Me

The Baby Falcon is leaving the nest
KevinMayo, LoganMcKenzie, RhyanMichele

Bernice's Monologue
Bernice and her husband Pete (Donald Wilcox)

Dynell Ma'aseia and Me

The cast of Sweet Evalina

Cheryl and Bernice altercation 

Betty's Juke Joint
Dee (Tracie Turner Jackson), Cheryl (Elizabeth Judith), Bernice (RhyanMichele Adams), Teddy (erob)

Cast Shoot

Daddy and Mommy: tied for #1 on my fan base