...how some people often times regard Christian entertainment; not entertaining in the least bit
Tradition has caused people of the 21st century (the new breed) to stray away from Bible reading and in turn develop new methods of teaching, praising and worshipping God and fellowshipping with one another.
We live in a world of change, and as we change, the ways of life must change as well. In order to accommodate the interests of today's young generations, the ministers and leaders of the church must tap into what attracts the attention of these developing minds. Technology has advanced tremendously over the past decade, allowing us to produce greater quantities of work while enhancing the quality. Why not use these tools to also advance the Kingdom of God?
THE ARTS can be found within all walks of life across the nations. It's a universal language that any person can understand and interpret. The body of Christ is one of unity, togetherness and love. When you think about it, the best way to come together to worship and praise God where everyone can equally participate is simple. The answer lies solely in THE ARTS. Hallelujah, the highest praise we can give our Lord, is the SAME in every language! How awesome is that?! By unifying as one body, we teach all and remain undefeated.
"Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."
Proverbs 29:18
There are several companies that have indeed tapped into christian theater as its primary ministerial tool. The vision of Sight-Sound Theatres is similar to my vision of Butterfly Keys. Sight-Sound is based on theatre ministry, and from just viewing the website, I have gained much inspiration from this company. Because I believe we Christians should support each other in ministry, especially regarding THE ARTS, from a ministerial standpoint, I do not view them as competition but instead as another way to reach masses.
I challenge you to be creative. Turn your passion into ministry.